Tenants are responsible for clearing snow from their driveway/accessway and within their leased area to
ensure public safety. Tenants are liable for any damage to people or property caused by their negligence in
snow management.
The RMB has established a pre-qualified list of Snow Clearers that are approved to work in the Resorts.
Tenants can contact these Snow Clearers if they need assistance clearing snow.
Mr Plow Mt Buller Bobcat Toolcat with snow blower, ice scraper, snow plow, 4-in-1 bucket and forklift capable of clearing driveways, accessways, carparks etc. info@mrplowmtb.com.au 1300 Mt Plow (687569)
Steve Hennessy Mix of large to medium size vehicles capable of clearing driveways, accessways, carparks etc. henbuild@bigpond.com 0418 329 444
Darren Hart Walk behind snow blower for footpaths and pedestrian areas. adsailsbuilders@gmail.com 0418 595 965
When clearing snow from your site and/or driveway/accessway, you are required to ensure the snow is
disposed of on your site, wherever possible. If it’s not possible to dispose of snow on your site, Tenants should
seek permission from a neighbour to use their site if possible. If it’s not possible to dispose of snow on leased
land, Tenants may be able to push snow onto public roads or pathways as an absolute last resort with the prior
permission of the RMB. If the RMB gives permission, it may set a strict timeframe for you to complete your
snow clearing or pushing so that it aligns with its broader Resort-wide snow clearing activities.
When snow clearing or pushing, Tenants are reminded to avoid:
Using another leaseholder’s area without their permission
Creating an obstacle to free pedestrian or vehicle movement in the Resort
Reducing sight distances at locations such as intersections and curves
Environmental damage including tree damage
Property damage
Moving snow to areas that may restrict building evacuation pathways.