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Boggy Creek Reservoir to undergo repairs in new year


The Boggy Creek Reservoir will be undergoing repairs early in the new year to fix liner damage.


The reservoir will need to be emptied for the works to be completed, and the Burnt Hut Dam will be used to maintain the resort’s potable water supply while the repairs are carried out.  


This is expected to start in January and take two weeks. The reservoir will start being refilled as soon as the works are complete.  


Plans are in place to release the dam’s existing water back into the Boggy Creek catchment, with water levels being slowly lowered ahead of the works. Water will be diverted away from the Alpine bog below the dam to minimise environmental impacts.  


ARV continues to liaise with Goulburn-Murray Water, Goulburn Valley Water and the State Government on changes to our extraction license to ensure security of water supply.  


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